Past Projects

Some of our completed projects

276 Advance Boulevard Interior concrete floor remove and replace
25 & 35 Trailwood Drive Underground garage, Top surface expansion joint (waterproofing), Full building re-caulk, Selected area roof repair, Parking lot paving, Wall repair (brick and concrete)
400 Mississauga Valley Boulevard Selected brick replacement at front of town houses
35 Mariner Terrace Roof repair, Selected window caulking, Exterior concrete replacement, Underground garage waterproofing (thin system), Windows
1470 Bishops Gate Waterproofing (flexable thru-wall flashing), Structural shoring, Asphalt repair, Balcony slab route and seal
3125 5th Line (Mississauga) Driveway paving (all units), Front walk interlock re-leveling (all units)
100 Millside Drive (Milton) Building re-caulking (all windows, doors, stucco/ wall joints), Paint window sills, Repair selected stucco areas
Springdale Professional Building Complete waterproofing installtion to top and intermidiate slab
19 & 29 Northern Heights Drive Garage entrance ramp, (waterproofing/heating cable installation) Front entrance concrete replacement, Garage interior expansion joint, Garage interior waterproofing (thin system epoxy) Balcony re-level and Drain replacement, Slab replacement, Repair Entrance ramp removal, Replacement complete with new heating cable system, Asphalt and concrete curb replacement complete property
45 Driftwood Avenue Garage roof slab waterproofing repairs, Garage interior concrete repair to floors and walls, Front entrance driveway aspahlt curbs, Soft landscape
9600 Islington Avenue New construction, Water service and sewer installation, Curbs and asphalt
550 Queens Quay Roof top terrace safety railing structural upgrade, Removal and replacement of guard rail system at roof top level
8 Akron Road Concrete floor installation, Machine pit installation, Waterproofing hazardous material clean up, Excavation interior mould remdiation and interior fit outputs
21 Nassau Street & 160 Baldwin Street Exterior building cladding, Stucco repair, Terrace waterproofing repair, Terrace deck installtion to entire roof
2100 Weston Road, Apotex Concrete flooring installation, Office fit outs, Concrete side walk installtion
1354 Elgin Mills Road Concrete floor restoration, Waterproofing suspended slab, Mezzanine installation
100 Rowena Drive Garage waterprooing of entire deck including but not limited to expansion joint installtion, Concrete repair top side and through slab
160 Major Mackenzie Drive Brick Replacement, Sealant installtion
250 Webb Drive Sealant replacement, Steel panel painting
Knightsbridge Garden Circle Sealant replacement, Steel panel painting
5800 Sheppard Avenue Stucco, Building cladding repair, Sealant reinstalltion
40 St Clair Avenue Podium deck waterprooing installtion including complete removal and reinstalltion or over burden including but not limited to expansion joint gland installtion
Citibank Place, 123 Front Street Removal and disposal of concrete overburden, Installtion of water proofing of top deck, Slab reinstalltion of overburden including sizeable field on grantie
65 Wellington Street Garage Ramp removal and reinstalltion including but not limited to concrete repair , Waterproofing, Heating cable installation
40 Tigi court Concrete floor installtion and Sealing
430 Mclevin Avenue Expansion joint garage waterproofing
Sport Check Mississauga Concrete floor installtion, expansion joint installtion, Waterproofing
800 King Street West Balcony slab repair and waterproofing, Sealant replacement
21 Niagra Street Garage Slab waterprooing, Overburden removal and reinstallation
2110 Ellesmere Road Garage Ramp removal and reinstalltion including but not limited to concrete repair, Waterproofing, Heating cable installation
980 Broadview Avenue Garage Ramp removal and reinstalltion including but not limited to concrete repair, Waterproofing, Heating cable installation
Toronto Community Housing Corporation Head Office, 939 Yonge Street Wheelchair ramp and stainless steel railing installtion, Enitre building cladding Durex Coating installtion and Sealant replacement
40 University Avenue Podium deck waterprooing including but not limited to removal and reinstallation of concrete overburden
4250 Sheppard Avenue East Garage deck suspended slab intermediate slab replacement and waterproofing
200 Wellington Street Waterproofing repair at loading dock locations
Canada Post Corporation, 989 Eastern Avenue Complete slab replacement project to Teamway area
Canada Post Corporation, 989 Eastern Avenue Slab reinforcement project installtion of carbon fiber strippes concrete repair, Slab waterprooing
Mississauga Convention Center Conrete floor installtion, Undergorund drain installtion, Podium deck waterproofing
Toronto Convention Center Conrete floor installtion, Undergorund drain installtion, Podium deck waterproofing
70 & 71 Coe Hill Drive Podium deck waterproofing, Complete aspahlting, Building cladding repair, Brick repair, Sealant replacement
525 Markham Road Window replacement and Sealant replacment project
550 Queens Quay Removal and replacement of failed railings, Installtion of flashing and parapet wall upturn, Waterproofing
360 Watson Street Underground garage waterproofing, Thin system waterproofing, Wear coarse installtion
2841 Sunrise Top deck waterproofing including but not limited to removal and installtion of all overburden.
560 Lawrence Avenue Garage Ramp removal and reinstalltion including but not limited to concrete repair, Waterproofing, Heating cable installation
3250 Victoria Park Drive Garage Ramp removal and reinstalltion including but not limited to concrete repair, Waterproofing, Heating cable installation
150 Sunpac Road Installtion of concrete machine pits
St. Joseph Hospital Podium deck restoration, Waterproofing
Yorkdale Shopping Center, The Bay Stores Waterfall forming and concreteing
25 Fourwinds Drive Brick repair and shelf angle repair
Exide Batteries Concrete floor installtion, Acid opits forming and concreteing
CP Rail Yard, Rutherford Conrete forming, Concrete floor installtion
155 Frederick Street Podium deck waterproofing
5 Greystone Walk Drive Garage deck waterproofing, Concrete sidewalk and Overburden installation
760 Lawrence Avenue Foundation wall waterproofing

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